
1. 激素微环境及其对组织特异性免疫的影响。研究不同组织中独特的激素微环境如何影响局部免疫和代谢功能,对于理解性别差异在疾病易感性中的作用至关重要。我们的初步发现表明,免疫系统在不同组织中表现出显著的性别特异性差异,不同组织会合成和代谢性激素,从而形成局部的激素微环境。本项目旨在系统研究这些组织特异性激素微环境的形成过程及其在推动性别特异性免疫调节中的作用。
2. 性激素、微生物群组成和免疫调节。研究性激素如何塑造性别特异的微生物群组成,以及这些差异如何影响免疫调节,对于从性别特异性的视角理解免疫调节至关重要。先前的研究表明,不同性别的微生物群组成显著不同,并且在妊娠和衰老等激素变化时期发生显著的转变。我们的初步数据表明,微生物群在免疫性别差异的方向上具有显著影响。本研究方向旨在揭示性激素如何调节微生物群组成的分子机制及其对免疫反应的性别特异性影响。
3. 饮食因素与性别特异的免疫调节。理解不同的饮食模式和营养成分如何影响免疫调节并促成性别差异,有助于开发有效的干预策略。我们的先前工作表明,抑制脂肪酸代谢显著改变了皮肤中的免疫细胞组成,并影响性别差异,不同的脂肪酸对皮肤免疫有不同的影响。本项目将探讨不同的饮食模式如何塑造免疫功能及其在性别因素上的作用。
1 Chi, Liang, Can Liu, Inta Gribonika, Julia Gschwend, Dan Corral, Seong-Ji Han, Ai Ing Lim et al. "Sexual dimorphism in skin immunity is mediated by an androgen-ILC2-dendritic cell axis." Science 384, no. 6692 (2024): eadk6200.
2 Chi, Liang, Xiaoming Bian, Bei Gao, Pengcheng Tu, Hongyu Ru, and Kun Lu. "Chronic sucralose consumption inhibits farnesoid X receptor signaling and perturbs lipid and cholesterol homeostasis in the mouse livers, potentially by altering gut microbiota functions." Science of The Total Environment 919 (2024): 169603.
3 Chi, L., Tu, P., Ru, H., & Lu, K. Studies of xenobiotic-induced gut microbiota dysbiosis: from correlation to mechanisms. Gut Microbes. Gut Microbes, 13(1), 1921912.
4 Chi, L., Lai, Y., Tu, P., Liu, C.W., Xue, J., Ru, H. and Lu, K., 2019. Lipid and Cholesterol Homeostasis after Arsenic Exposure and Antibiotic Treatment in Mice: Potential Role of the Microbiota. Environmental health perspectives, 127(9), p.097002.
5 Chi, L., Tu, P., Liu, C.W., Lai, Y., Xue, J., Ru, H. and Lu, K., 2019. Chronic arsenic exposure Induces oxidative stress and perturbs serum lysolipids and fecal unsaturated fatty acid metabolism. Chemical research in toxicology, 32(6), pp.1204-1211.
6 Chi, L., Xue, J., Tu, P., Lai, Y., Ru, H. and Lu, K., 2019. Gut microbiome disruption altered the biotransformation and liver toxicity of arsenic in mice. Archives of toxicology, 93(1), pp.25-35.
7 Chi, L., Gao, B., Tu, P., Liu, C.W., Xue, J., Lai, Y., Ru, H. and Lu, K., 2018. Individual susceptibility to arsenic-induced diseases: the role of host genetics, nutritional status, and the gut microbiome. Mammalian genome, 29(1-2), pp.63-79.
8 Chi, L., Bian, X., Gao, B., Tu, P., Lai, Y., Ru, H. and Lu, K., 2018. Effects of the artificial sweetener neotame on the gut microbiome and fecal metabolites in mice. Molecules, 23(2), p.367.
9 Chi, L., Mahbub, R., Gao, B., Bian, X., Tu, P., Ru, H. and Lu, K., 2017. Nicotine Alters the Gut Microbiome and Metabolites of Gut–Brain Interactions in a Sex-Specific Manner. Chemical research in toxicology, 30(12), pp.2110-2119. (Selected as the cover article)
10 Chi, L., Bian, X., Gao, B., Tu, P., Ru, H. and Lu, K., 2017. The effects of an environmentally relevant level of arsenic on the gut microbiome and its functional metagenome. Toxicological Sciences, 160(2), pp.193-204.
11 Chi, L., Gao, B., Bian, X., Tu, P., Ru, H. and Lu, K., 2017. Manganese-induced sex-specific gut microbiome perturbations in C57BL/6 mice. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 331, pp.142-153.
12 Chi, L., Bian, X., Gao, B., Ru, H., Tu, P. and Lu, K., 2016. Sex-specific effects of arsenic exposure on the trajectory and function of the gut microbiome. Chemical research in toxicology, 29(6), pp.949-951.
13 Chi, L., Lu, K., 2018. Chapter: Biotransformation by the Gut Microbiome. Comprehensive Toxicology (Third Edition).